
Application for admission of international students in 2023 @ YCPC
*Surname 姓
*Given Name 名
Chinese Name 中文名
*Gender 性别
*Birth Date 出生年月
*Nationality 国籍
*Birth Place (City, Country) 出生地
*Nation 民族
*Marital Status 婚姻状况
*Religion 宗教信仰
*Native Language 母语
Chinese Language Level 汉语水平
*English Language Level 英语水平
*Passport Number 护照号
*Date of Passport Expiry 护照有效期
*Major/Profession 专业
*E-mail 电子邮箱
*Home Address 家庭地址(国家,城市,街道,门牌号)
*Family Phone Number 家庭电话
*High School 毕业中学
*Phone Number of High School 中学电话
*家庭其它成员 Other Members in your Family -01
*Relationship with Applicant 与申请者的关系 - 01
*Surname 姓 - 01
*Given Name 名 - 01
*Birth Date 出生年月 - 01
*Residence Place 居住地 - 01
*Working Company or Studying Place 工作学习单位 - 01
*Job Position 工作职位 - 01
*Contact Phone 联系电话 -01
家庭其它成员 Other Members in your Family - 02
Relationship with Applicant 与申请者的关系 - 02
Surname 姓 - 02
Given Name 名 - 02
Birth Date 出生年月 - 02
Residence Place 居住地 - 02
Working Company or Studying Place 工作学习单位 - 02
Job Position 工作职位 - 02
Contact Phone 联系电话 - 02
家庭其它成员 Other Members in your Family - 03
Relationship with Applicant 与申请者的关系 - 03
Surname 姓 - 03
Given Name 名 - 03
Birth Date 出生年月 - 03
Residence Place 居住地 - 03
Working Company or Studying Place 工作学习单位 - 03
Job Position 工作职位 - 03
Contact Phone 联系电话 - 03
*Attachment upload 附件上传
请将下列文件做成一个压缩包上传: 1. 护照照片。 2. 个人电子照片,并将照片以护照号码命名。( 照片要求为:彩色2寸免冠证件照,白色背景无边框,头部占照片尺寸的2/3,照片尺寸不低于320*240像素,高宽比为4:3, 大小为100-500KB,JPG格式。) 3.高中毕业证书和学习成绩单; 4.存款证明; 5.无犯罪记录证明。
Please upload the following files as a zip file. 1. Passport photo; 2. Personal electronic photo, and name the photo with the passport number. (Photo requirements: color 2-inch bareheaded ID photo, white background without borders, head 2/3 of the size of the photo, the size of the photo is not less than 320 x 240 pixels, aspect ratio 4:3, size 100-500KB, JPG format.) 3. High school graduation certificate and academic transcripts; 4. Certificate of deposit; 5. No criminal record certificate.
*Verification Code 验证码